Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tulsa State Fair 2008

On Thursday, Brendan and I went to the Tulsa State Fair! This is a pretty big night-out for us, since we're sort of stingy, homebodies. :)

The three main attractions we were interested in were The Big Cat Adventures, the petting zoo, and the .38 Special concert. Despite having to drive around for over an hour trying to find a parking space, we managed to catch all three.

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy:

I got to pet this precious baby lynx at the Big Cat Adventures!

Emu at the petting zoo! He was so friendly and let me pet him for a long time.

This giraffe was gorgeous.

Apparently this sheep is supposed to have four horns. Crazy.

Brendan and I enjoying the .38 Special concert (I have no clue why we're both so red-faced).

And a small video of the concert:


Grizzly Mountain Arts said...

Sounds like you had a great time! State fairs are always so much fun :) Thanks for sharing this with us!

Oh Mandie said...

aww you guys are so cute! Looks like you had a wonderful time! All our state fair has is a bunch of farm animals - so of course I'm totally jealous of all of the amazing animals you guys got to see!!

Anonymous said...

"aww you guys are so cute! Looks like you had a wonderful time! All our state fair has is a bunch of farm animals - so of course I'm totally jealous of all of the amazing animals you guys got to see!!"

All of this. Definitely seconding these things.

Some Inspiration